Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Penis Photography

Is it going down in your DM? Well ladies, capitalize! Invest in a camera and some lights then tell those guys you can help them market those mini minds of theirs even better than they can, FOR A PRICE.
Someone has already gotten a head start (hehehehe).  Soraya Boolbaz, a New York photographer has taken "dick pics" to a new level. She is a professional penis photographer that trended on the web (when I first started this piece). The abstract artist has shocked me, and I'm guessing onlookers everywhere, with her approach to taking penis pictures. The more I type it the stranger it seems. However, one of her pictures has sold for about $10k. Yup, TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS....I'll pause while you all search Amazon for photography equipment.
Now, imagine taking your man (or someone else's man - no judgement here, no really, judgment) to a studio and letting them whip out JR get him all dressed up and let Boolbaz make JR look the best he's ever looked. Boolbaz says, "...I can make a personality out of penises." Well HOT DOG (lol) That is exactly what she does, aiming to make men feel sexy and good about their bodies Boolbaz dresses up penises in tailored outfits and personas of their own. And with names like Frank Salami and Woody Wilder, what's not to love?
I'm not totally on board but I dig the creativity. Who thinks this will catch on? Based on Bahamian men turning into practicing Catholics when it's time to dress those penis' in other attire (strap up guys) as well as some responses I got; in The Bahamas I say never, but ya never know how the wind may blow ;-).