Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Hash-tag

Hashtag: I Don't Get It

The Hash-tag

I wouldn't be me if I didn't question somethings and one of those things happen to be the infamous hash-tag.  I hid away from social media for a while so when I noticed the craze I figured the hash-tag was a way you pin key points of your statement, status, etc.  For instance, you watch a popular movie and tweet about it you in turn link yourself to that movie by #CreativelyTia.  So now when someone searches creativelytia BAM, your semi significant status shows up.  Cool right?  After some research I think that's a pretty accurate description of what it is.  I also found that this came about during the birth of twitter and has since been adopted into any other social media.

Now, that brings me to my point...keep your hash-tags simple and on topic.  Here is a little guide:

  1. You post a picture of your dog Rover but when I search Angelina Jolie's United Colors of Benetton, Rover's face shows up.  #EpicFail I DO NOT WANT TO SEE ROVER & SHOULD NOT see Rover so don't tag him as #angelina #brad. How about #mydog #petlover....yea, stick with that.
  2. Or your hash-tags begin to look like: #mymanjustleftmewiththesebadkidsandimontheporchhavingacoolarbormist #imleavinghimsincehedontknowhowtocomehome or #sin #cere #ly #yours I think it's time you just take pictures and leave that hash alone. #justsaying

1 comment:

  1. Hilariously true!!!!! I admit that I do use them but it's usually just for comedic effect.
