There is no way we could have estimated that hurricane Joaquin would cause the devastation it did in the southern islands of the Bahamas. One of the hardest hit was Long Island, a place a recently visited - one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. I was unable to reach the friends my mother and I made after Friday. Our prayers our with them.
As the pictures and videos of flooding and other damages continue to be shared on the internet. It continues to tug at heart strings. It horrible to see, and I'm sure even more horrible to live through. A lady in one of the videos, quite visibly shaken, said something powerful: Don't just take pictures of us, we need help, send whatever you can think of.
You won't find any pictures here, but I have compiled a list of places I found that are collecting donations. Thanks in advance.
Below please find a list of organizations assisting with relief efforts:
Yodephy Dance & Modelling school is collecting donations until 2pm October 5th.
Odyssey Aviation (702-0200)
Seahorse Institute, 85 North Soldier Rd (424-4425)
Kitchen Deli (422-4701)
Thursday evening at Bambu with all $20 admissions going to the hurricane relief cause. Information on the GREAT (Global Rotary East Action Today) Facebook page. Or visit https://d/projects/hurricane-joaquin-bahamas-relief-fund/#/
Deposits can also be made at a number of banks as follows:
#Scotiabank – account name: Hurricane Relief Long Island Bahamas. Account number: 170941. Branch Transit Number: 03465
#For more information, contact Dwight R. Burrows on 424-2746; Gina Coakley on 427-0591 or Brian Turnquest on 242-359-1010
Red Cross Monetary donations can be deposited at A/C #289-423-6 at the Royal Bank at John F Kennedy Drive. For more information, call 323-7370.
Ultimate Door & Window is located behind the Auto Mall on Shirley Street across from St. Matthew's Anglican Church. Contact numbers are 424-8602, 422-3926 & 457-3546
Mario's Bowling
#Mario's Bowling and Family Entertainment Palace is inviting people, organisations, charities and groups who wish to donate food, clothing or supplies of any kind, to bring them to Mario's at Summer Winds Plaza on Sunday from 3pm until 9pm and throughout the week from 9am to 10pm.
#Mario's will be a distribution point and an outlet. The facility and surrounding spaces are available for use.
SkyBahamas Global Airlines #7 Blake Road Center, Blake Rd. 242-327-6032
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