Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Nailed It: Pirates Edition

I went to cover my first video release party on the weekend (BIG SHOUT OUTS TO MY BOY TONASH) and I was really excited, sleepy, tired...but excited. It's so inspiring when people can follow their passions fearlessly.  And us in this small country (The Bahamas) should continue to support each other in positive movements.  You can read more about the party on

Nowwwwwwww.....during the festivities I wandered upstairs to find a mini museum. There were photos of all sorts of pirates they taught me about in school that I completely blocked out of my memory database. I'm sure one was Anne Bonny...sighs, anyway, I took this opportunity to play with the pirates a bit and I totally NAILED IT!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The M.V.P

I am slightly disturbed in this very moment...(actually posted late :D)

How the hell you gonna bench your most valuable player and expect to win the game?
People have a hard time appreciating how great you are in the game until you're benched.  Or you're playing injured and they don't even notice! If you ride your star player but don't treat them as deserved and to add insult to injury, put them out the game to let subpar merely mediocre people play, expect your results to be unfavourable.  Of course I'm not wishing you evil or anything bad at all, but it's fair to say - I'll save my wishes!

As it stands, I have declared myself the MVP of friendships and eff what you thought. However, due to continually getting my wholeeeeeeeeeeeeeee stick lodged in a deep pile of doodoo. At some point in time you realize that your talents need a better support system and you just switch teams.

So here's a few steps to

Build a PRODUCTIVE team that supports and promotes each others goals and needs.
REMEMBER all the things your former team was lacking, the minute you sniff out that spirit, fire that player.
Most importantly refuse to be accept being benched - people do not have the right to drop you and pick you up when it is convenient to them. You are high PRIORITY- You are the Most Valuable Player.

Here to present with a token of my appreciate is none other than....