Monday, May 9, 2016

Wait...It's Coming

In the age of consumerism and social media life broadcasts we've been led to believe that we need more and we need more now.

We may start to think: We should be over there doing what classmates are doing. We should have what this one has. Why am I not there yet? Why don't I have this?


Remember those good ole sayings:

  1. Nothing before it's time.
  2. What's for you is for you.
  3. Slow and steady wins the race.
They are all true.
When you don't get something exactly when you want it there's many possible reasons why, but I'd say: God knows you weren't to have it - or he says that's not for you to have at all.  Sometimes that road you feel has too many bumps was designed to keep you back from the oncoming collision.

As I approach a major milestone in my life I am reflective, I am happy, I am celebrating. I will not allow society to put an expiration date on my blessings. I am embracing where I am! Progression is my goal and God keeps me moving toward it!

So don't rush for anything; just's coming!