Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Waist Trainers

Despite popular belief and the recent epidemic, this practice is not new.  In fact, waist training, though not thought of in the same light as today has been practiced for centuries.  Some were actually made of iron.  LOL yea ladies, #waistlineonfleek that!  Go on, wrap the metal bars around you and confine your waist to a #snatched prison.
Lol...seriously though, could you imagine the anguish??  It is believed that the popularity of them came from Europe during 16th century.
Please see below:

Enough of the history lesson.

In more recent times, women have been using this tool marketed to give women a more barbie silhouette, the coke bottle shape.
But I have news for you...
According to an article on entitled "What You Should Know About Waist Training" Dr. Carol Apovian, M.D says, "If you're going out and want to look really thin, I don't see a problem with wearing one of these for an evening.” Apovian adds, that if too tight which most waist trainers appear to be "Your stomach might get pushed up beyond the diaphragm, which could cause reflux"  The article goes on to say that prolonged wear can even weaken your core.  
(No power with the belly yuck gals)

In a similar article on Jane Minkin, M.D., states, “Medically, it doesn’t make sense that cinching your waist tightly will make it permanently smaller.” 
Which of course I thought since when they come off the spillage continues - but I'll let the doctors speak#idigress
Minkin says, "Once you take the garment off, your body will return to its usual shape. It’s also uncomfortable, restricts your movements, and if you wear it really tight, it can even make it difficult to breathe and theoretically could cause rib damage.” 
Hmmmmmmm so waist shapers provide nothing more than temporary results?  And home gal still hungry through all this?

No thank you.

I do not want another person trying to sell me that organ shifter. Ok fine, you think it works for you. But I have been actively training my waist from my C.O.B.  I train it to expand to hold a little extra at the buffet. I train it to suck in when I'm taking pictures. And by not luck, but by practice and that training. I have perfected these things.  So no I do not desire to have my lungs in my throat and my stomach in my uterus #Illpass They just seem more like waste trainers than waist trainers.

My advice is eat right and try to add some activity to your life to increase health benefits. Lord knows I need to.

#waisttrainers #wastetrainers #catchyourbreath # organshifter #idontdodisclaimers


  1. RIGHT!!!!! I think they look absolutely ridiculous when your waist is 22 inches and your shoulder blades are 50 inches apart. LOL We need to learn to love ourselves for who we are and what we look like. We also need to learn to dress our bodies accordingly. We don't necessarily need to wear every fashion trend that pops up. We need to know and understand what flatters our shape and go from there.

    1. I agree, and dressing for our bodies is very important. I can't expect to wear everything and believe they all will be flattering. I have a mean friend that says "mussy waist training...larry the lobster" smh lol
