Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Highlights & Back Bites - Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival

Back Bites

Last I checked, I was grown (don't tell my daddy).  Therefore my people if I decide to go every single night to Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival by way of support or curiosity: I shall be there.  We're all entitled to our opinions which is why I continue to try to see others point of view.

Soooooooooooooooooo for those who said Bahamians are stupid, they have no identity and they can't believe they went there to support that "foolishness": SHUT UP!  If you're unwilling to listen to someone's reasoning or cause for participating your opinion just became even more irrelevant aka I can't even hear you.

Honestly, you can't shed light on anything to individuals who believe they know it all, so why waste time and God's good breath.  Be calm, walk away - I certainly had to.  I am a changed woman.

Baha-men's 90 min performance.  The Baha-men lead man even said it was too long (chal don't ask, Ine know what that was about).  I agree but I'm conflicted because I know how important it is for people to receive your craft favourably.  And I did get some shakin' up on.  So if anyone who knows them reads this - let them know we love them, we love their music - but the set was too long.  No hate.

Sammi Starr winning - once again no hate.  In terms of Carnival get loose music his song didn't do it, it gave a groove feeling not Lucism.  I believe though that Sony had a hand in the decision.  The real winner based on the crowd, Colyn McDonald, wouldn't fit the Sony brand (check a snippet on http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=ntt_srch_drd_B001M5KQCO/183-3748529-7724532?ie=UTF8&field-keywords=Colyn%20Mcdonald&index=digital-music&search-type=ss )  There's no way for Sony to market him, they wouldn't take on that headache.
Talented guy though <iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/SRP44xwD_nw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> btw he's a member of Visage (vocals and keyboards).

9 million dollar price tag.  It hurts to know that it was so expensive and the money wasn't pumped into other things example: Junkanoo, Education, and the list could go on for forever but I do pray that it somehow was beneficial, which I think it can be.  I would like to have an account for every penny though. Just saying.


So why they had me singing Golden Girls theme song: I missed my Ethel at that time, because I'm Lucy @ Tamara - don't forget it!

All performers especially Ronnie Butler who I regrettably admit I watched from home & Machelllllllllllllll Montano.
I'm not kidding when I say everyone was bringing their A game and I salute them cause I couldn't do it.


  1. I've always loved Bahamian culture. It's one of the most unique cultures out there and the bahama's is one of the most beautiful places on earth. I hope I get to visit there someday.

    1. Awwwww thank you for saying so much sweet things about The Bahamas. You should visit you'll enjoy. Let me know when you're coming.

    2. Absolutely and you are very welcome. I will keep that in mind if I ever do get the chance to visit :)
