Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Meeting Blues

9:30 am
Every meeting I survive helps me realize how much this is NOT my dream.
Picture this Sicily 1939 it was cold, I had, sorry I blacked out into my fairy tale world and totally channeled Sophia, my favourite Golden Girl. Thanks Soph
URGHHHHHH So here I am, in a meeting to educate me on something  and honey chal, I am still lost.
Every syllable this man Speaks Slowly Sucks the life right out of me and writing this (appearing as if I'm taking notes) is the only thing keeping me awake.

You know I'm remiss when I began dissecting the abnormalities at the back of people's head.  I see it is quite possible to be fairly small with morbidly obese ears.Image result for scary smiley smallCREEPY

Seriously though, when is lunch?
10:30 am

11:45 am
UH OH ma belly a rumble man, sighs.


  1. lmao TIA............ "abnormalities at the back of people's heads" .....I knew I couldn't be the only one to do this. But anyway, It's only for a season. The only thing that matters is that you not let the experience drain you completely. Work feverishly in your craft as often as you can. Satisfy your Soul.

  2. I like that, Satisfy Your Soul. Preach sister Donny elleeee. But on a serious note, his ears fat tho, fa tru. Thanks for reading.
